Tuesday, November 29, 2011

First Impressions: Earthshaker


Fissure icon.png
Ability Type Targeting Type Allowed Targets
Active Point Ground / Enemy units
Slams the ground with a mighty totem, fissuring the earth while stunning and damaging enemy units in a line. Creates an impassable ridge of stone. 
 Enchant Totem
Enchant Totem icon.png
Ability Type Targeting Type Allowed Targets
Active Instant Self
Empowers Earthshaker's totem, causing it to deal extra damage on the next attack.

Aftershock icon.png
Ability Type Targeting Type Allowed Targets
Passive N/A Enemy units
Causes the earth to shake underfoot, adding additional damage and stuns to nearby enemy units when Earthshaker casts his abilities.
 Echo Slam
Echo Slam icon.png
Ability Type Targeting Type Allowed Targets
Active Instant Enemy units
Shockwaves travel through the ground, damaging enemy units. Each enemy hit causes an echo to damage nearby units.
SCEPTER UPGRADABLE: Causes each initial hero hit to echo twice.

Recommended Items


Earthshaker is a lot of fun to play. I'd say the highlight of this hero is his Fissure ability, mostly due to the fact that the ability is his keystone for initiations and team fights.  His other abilities, such as Enchant Totem and Aftershock, supplement his Fissure and Echo Slam ultimate. His voice acting and character design are both spot on. One misconception, especially one that may confuse new players, is that Earthshaker is not a tanky hero. His best aid is the element of surprise. I'm intrigued to hear from those good with him: what is a good laning combo with Earthshaker? Or does that even matter?

I would also recommend for new players to use his Fissure ability wisely. If casted incorrectly, one could end up trapping allied heroes in the wrong spot, or almost killing an enemy hero and then finding oneself having to walk around the wall he just created to try and last hit that enemy. 

I don't normally play Earthshaker, but when I do, (I'll drink Dos Equis) I'll be sure to have a slammin' time.

Earthshaker Hero Showcase:

First Impressions: Bloodseeker


Bloodrage icon.png
Ability Type Targeting Type Allowed Targets
Active Unit Any units
Drives a unit into a bloodthirsty rage, during which it is has higher attack damage, but cannot cast spells and takes damage every second.

Blood Bath
Blood Bath icon.png
Ability Type Targeting Type Allowed Targets
Passive Unit Any units
Bloodseeker revels in combat, gaining health with every enemy unit he kills.

Thirst icon.png
Ability Type Targeting Type Allowed Targets
Passive N/A Enemy heroes below 40% HP
Enables Bloodseeker to sense enemy Heroes with health below 40%, giving him vision of that unit and increased movement speed.

Rupture icon.png
Ability Type Targeting Type Allowed Targets
Active Unit Any Enemy Unit
Causes an enemy unit's skin to rupture, dealing massive damage. The affected unit takes damage based on how far it moves during the duration.

My first play-through with Bloodseeker:

Well, let me just start off by saying that, from the past few games I've played online, a fed Bloodseeker can win games. Now, Bloodseeker can be very bipolar. Either he can be really good, or really bad. And that isn't always relative to the player's skill. He can just have a bad game, and that's really tough. Because what Bloodseeker needs, as any carry really needs, is farm. And lots of it. That's how he gets his health and self-sustainability. He can be great at mid, and he can also be an exceptional ganker. His ult is a lot of fun as well: It deals a chunk of damage, and the more the enemy hero walks around, the more he/she/it bleeds out, dealing more damage over time. Attack speed, as the recommended items suggest, is great on him. However, I'm still trying to figure out good builds with him and I'm working with getting him off the ground faster in games that I play as him. Oh, and his voice acting is superb.

First Impressions: Night Stalker

Night Stalker.png

Void icon.png
Ability Type Targeting Type Allowed Targets
Active Unit Enemy Units
Creates a damaging void that slows an enemy unit and deals damage. The slowing effect lasts longer at night.
Crippling Fear
Crippling Fear icon.png
Ability Type Targeting Type Allowed Targets
Active Unit Enemy Units
Night Stalker horrifies the target enemy Hero, causing it to miss attacks and become silenced. The effect lasts longer at night.
Hunter in the Night
Hunter in the Night icon.png
Ability Type Targeting Type Allowed Targets
Passive N/A Self
Night Stalker is in his element at night, attacking and moving with great swiftness.
Darkness icon.png
Ability Type Targeting Type Allowed Targets
Active Instant Self
Night Stalker smothers the sun and summons instant darkness, so that he might use his powers at their fullest.
SCEPTER UPGRADABLE: Grants unobstructed vision in the night. The improved vision does not depend on using Darkness. 


As a new player, I feel very powerful with Nightstalker. However, I can see where his potential could be wasted by extremely new players, so I wouldn't recommend him for your first playthrough in Dota 2. He's quite a good ganker, because he has a slow and a silence, and at night he gets increased movement speed and some stat boosts. His ult takes advantage of that as well. If you're not careful, he can be killed fairly easily, but probably not if he's played right or built the right way. I'm also not sure how Aghanim's boosts his ult, but I have the feeling it would be quite good on him. Anyway, I quite liked him, and hopefully I can get better with him in the future. If you're pro with him, drop a comment below and leave some advice.

Some highlights from my playthrough:

(Ability images from Dota 2 Wiki)